About Us
This organization was established in the year 1989 by the community experienced, intellectual personnel and volunteers of the Gariaband block of Raipur district to fulfill the social needs of the human beings. They developed the innovative strategies for changing the intellectual knowledge of the SC. ST. & OBCs and other downtrodden people (Basically stressed the priorities on women) and to aware them about their fundamental rights, duties, laws and acts granted by the constitution of India and make them understand how to utilize this for the protection of their rights and care of the environment for their self-reliance.
This organization was established in the year 1989 by the community experienced, intellectual personnel and volunteers of the Gariaband block of Raipur district to fulfill the social needs of the human beings. They developed the innovative strategies for changing the intellectual knowledge of the SC. ST. & OBCs and other downtrodden people (Basically stressed the priorities on women) and to aware them about their fundamental rights, duties, laws and acts granted by the constitution of India and make them understand how to utilize this for the protection of their rights and care of the environment for their self-reliance.
Since the inception of the organization lots of changes has been incurred in the area of socio economic condition of the deprived and under privileged section has been achieved. In the initial stage through integrated rural development program lots of positive changes has brought in the life of rural poor. Under IRDP different programme like group formation, SHG promotion, Capacity building, Training of leaders, PRI, documentation etc were promoted. Besides this income generation activities, Promotion of NTFP, Advocacy, Agriculture development etc were given importance.
Since 2003 with support of the sight savers international through community based rehabilitation program promotion, prevention, curative, rehabilitation, and education etc were promoted. From the year 2004 with the support of the SIVAMI the reproductive child health was promoted. But gradually the prime attention was given on the field of disability.
Our Approach
Objectives of Prerak
To make the people conscious about their problems, issues and situation of socio-cultural, economic and political life and the environment where they live in very miserable condition.
To provide the common platform to think scientifically and take common decisions for community interests and collective effort for development.
To make women free from social bondage and make them prepared to enjoy their human rights.
To promote awareness to take control, development and protection of the natural resources for the development of indigenous community.
To promote people’s livelihood through sustainable agriculture and NTFP collection and exchange.
To generate the environment and facilitate the provision of permanent and helpful means of income generation.
To promote the active participation of community people to preserve and conserve and manage the natural livelihood resources of indigenous people.
To advocate with government for ensuring provision of appropriate educational, health and social benefits to visually impaired children.
To provide services to people with disabilities with special focus to visually impaired for enhancing their socio- economic condition.
To build the capacity and organize the disable person to advocate with government to protect their own rights by themselves.
To provide vocational training to all type of disabled adult to make them self sufficient.
To generate awareness for prevention, cure, causes of blindness and social inclusion through trained professional.
— Our Mission
To start such a process of development, in which empowerment of backward, tribal people, person with disabilities and especially women’s is done and to make their reach to the natural resources, schemes so that they can progress in the direction of village level self-governance through collective development.
— Our Vision
To develop such a rural creative community which is self-sufficient, healthy, peaceful, and which can develop itself continuously by getting free from all kinds of exploitation and injustice.
Value of the Organization
We believe that, by birth people possess certain inherent quality and potentiality, if proper opportunity make available to them then they can make their fullest growth and development. Without social justice no sustainable development can be achieved. For achieving the social development endearness of justice, endurance, dedication, patience, sensitivity etc are highly required. The problem of Poverty and inequality are not natural. Due to inequitable distribution of the resources and foul procedure of transformation of the resources people suffer. The legislative and judiciary system of the state has been proved not conducive enough to achieve development. So the capacity building of the people is highly essential in order to generate an environment in which they can participate in the formulation of the development process for their own development.
Origin Story of PRERAK
This organization was established in the year 1989 by the community experienced, intellectual personnel and volunteers of the Gariaband block of Raipur district to fulfill the social needs of the human beings. They developed the innovative strategies for changing the intellectual knowledge of the SC. ST. & OBCs and other downtrodden people (Basically stressed the priorities on women) and to aware them about their fundamental rights, duties, laws and acts granted by the constitution of India and make them understand how to utilize this for the protection of their rights and care of the environment for their self-reliance.
Since the inception of the organization lots of changes has been incurred in the area of socio economic condition of the deprived and under privileged section has been achieved. In the initial stage through integrated rural development program lots of positive changes has brought in the life of rural poor. Under IRDP different programme like group formation, SHG promotion, Capacity building, Training of leaders, PRI, documentation etc are promoted. Besides this income generation activities, Promotion of NTFP, Advocacy, Agriculture development etc were given importance.
Since 2003 with support of the sight savers international through community based rehabilitation program promotion, prevention, curative, rehabilitation, and education etc were promoted. From the year 2004 with the support of the SIVAMI the reproductive child health was promoted. But gradually the prime attention was given on the field of disability.
Governing Body of Prerak
Name | Designation | Category | Occupation | Address |
Ramgulal Sinha | President | OBC | Social Worker | Shyamacharan Shukla Chowk, Rajim, Post- Rajim, District – Gariaband, Pin – 493885, (C.G.), Mobile No. – 9424218653 |
Premlata Patel | Vice- President | OBC | Social Worker | Singpur Ward No. – 03, Singpur, Block – Magarload, District – Dhamtari, Pin – 493773, (C.G.), Mobile No. – 62633185804 |
Vatsala Shrivastav | Secretary | GEN | Social Worker | Ward No-2 Thethwar Para Near Civil court Dongergaon, dist-Rajnandagaon Pin-491445 (C.G.) Mobile No. 09993684795 |
Lokeshwari Negi | Treasurer | ST | Social Worker | House No. – 48, Ward No. – 03, Bhatigarh, Mainpur, District – Gariaband, Pin – 493889, (C.G.), Mobile No. – 7869789854 |
Ravidas Wande | Joint-Secretary | SC | Social Worker | House No. 68, Ward No. – 20, District – Rajnandgaon, Pin – 491441, (C.G.), Mobile No. – 9424126090 |
Yugal Thakur | Member | ST | Social Worker | House No. 52, Ward No. – 02, Village Mudapar, Tehsil – Kasdol, Paradah, District – Baloda Bazar, Pin – 493551, (C.G.), Mobile NO. – 8120144142 |
Deepak Kumar Sahu | Member | OBC | Social Worker | House No. 141, Rawad, Tehsil – Rajim, District – Gariaband, (C.G.), Mobile No. – 9229452639 |
Organogram of Prerak

Achievements of Prerak
Organization has witnessed various achievements since inception. Over a period of last 5 years we experienced changes broadly which are mentioned bellow.
- Developed leadership qualities amount the people who are leading different committees smoothly
- A prospective plan prepared by people and approved at palli sabha and t Gram sabha
- Women leadership increased at the community who are takking active role and leadership at PRIs
- Organic growth at forest villages
- People are developed understanding to claim their rights
- Increased awareness on natural resource management in the community
- Sustainable engagement of communities for environment protection
- Effective and increased access/control of Community in tapping forest resources
- Conserve and restore degraded forests through forest restoration initiatives
- Empower forest dependent communities by building of their capacity
- Improve the livelihood opportunities of the forest dependent communities so as to reduce their dependence on forests
Along with the above achievement, organization received different award from state and national level. Following are few.
National Award:
With the recommendation of Sight savers International, PRERAK received the National Award on the eve of “World Sight Day” celebration at Hyderabad in September 2005, from Dr. Ambumani Ramdas, Union Minister of Health and Family Welfare for the best contribution and dedication for eliminating of blindness through community based rehabilitation and integrated education program.
State Award:
PRERAK has also received “State Award” from the honourable Governor of Chhattishgarh Dr. K. M. Seth on the occasion of World Handicapped Day on 3rd December 2005, as one of the best regional voluntary agency for valuable contribution in rehabilitation and extension of education for visually impaired children in the state of Chhattisgarh.
Received Best organisation award from Social Welfare Department for working with Disabled Children for their betterment of life and mainstreaming in the society.
PRERAK has received the award for best performance in Child Protection and Development for the Children with Disabilities by Child and Women Welfare Department of Chhattisgarh State on 17th June 2017 at Raipur, Chhattisgarh.